Sunday, April 26, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun...

I feel like Greece was forever ago, and I can't believe I'll be home in less than 20 days now. I was back at school this past week and it was weird having a schedule again. All of spring break was so spur of the moment and unplanned, so having a specific place that I needed to be at a specific time was a little weird.

Oh, I promised I'd update about our hospital adventures...
Kate, one of the girls I went to Greece with, got really sick. She was tired and had a cold in Greece but we didn't think anything of it. She said she felt a little nauseous but we figured it was sea sickness. It wasn't until we got to Athens on our way home that we got a little worried: The whites of her eyes had turned yellow, and she was throwing up. When our plane (finally) landed in Marseille, Kate pointed out that her ankles were completely swollen, and we had noticed on the plane that she had bruises all over her body. We had a hotel for Saturday night in Marseille and then an early morning train to Montpellier, but instead of going to the hotel we decided to take her to the hospital. Long (tiring and stressful) story short, Kate ended up having to stay in the hospital in Marseille until this past Friday because she is so sick. She has Lupus and another auto-immune disease, and her kidney's are hardly functioning. She got a plane back to Pennsylvania on Friday, and I'm glad that she's back in the states where her doctors speak English and where she has lots of friends and family. SO, that experience was definitely not in the plans for spring break, but it sure was an adventure.

Since then I've just been going to school, having picnics by the river, drinking wine, and enjoying my last few weeks in France. The weather has been beautiful, and I even got a little sun burn from an afternoon at the river.

On Thursday night Sabine (host mom), Jules, and Léon came to The Wok (delicious Chinese food) with my friends and I. It was a really fun night, all of my friends fell in love with Léon right away, obviously, because he is the cutest ever. My mom also bought us some wine and it was just a very relaxing and nice dinner. After we were all done, we headed to an ice cream shop (recommended by Léon) and my mom bought all of us ice cream. She's the nicest lady ever. The Nutella ice cream was delicious, and I'll have to make my way back there again before I leave.

The next morning my mom was talking about taking me to the airport for my flight, and I got really sad. Especially after such a good night with the host fam (minus dad) the night before, thinking and talking about leaving made me feel really sad. I called my real mom and talked to her about it for awhile, and it made me feel a little better, but I just know that when May 15th rolls around I'm going to be a wreck trying to leave this amazing host family.

They took me to the last rugby game of the season yesterday and I just feel like everything I'm doing now is for the last time before I leave. "Make sure I do this before I leave, go here, see this person..."

I guess I'm just not a fan of the count down.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm definitely ready to be back in Minnesota with all of my friends and family... and most importantly, Sunny :)

I have a list of food I want when I get back to Minnesota:
-puffy pancakes (that my mom makes)
-chocolate silk soy milk
-taco bell
-Burrito Loco! (or Chipotle I guess)
-boneless buffalo wings
-bread sticks from olive garden
-chai tea
-peanut butter
-cam rahn bay/curry/cream cheese puffs/chinese in general
-shells and cheese
-Jamba Juice
-eggs Benedict
-puppy chow
-baked potato

So feel free to greet me with any of those the first time you see me :)

See you all in 19 days!

19 days until I'm reunited with the love of my life:

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